Drawing People Drawning

How To Draw a Nose

Having difficulty in drawing a human body part? Well, many artist go through that dilemma so don’t think that you are the only one. One of the most difficult parts of the human body to draw is the nose. But this process will give you a chance to improve your familiarity with light and shadow as well as your soft shading skill. To help you in drawing a nose we will discuss the techniques which will make it look real. So let’s get started in mastering how to draw a nose.

First, we must have the things needed to get started with drawing a nose. So have your graphite pencil and conte crayon or perhaps a charcoal ready. You got to have tortillon or stump as well. Additionally, you will need to have a white vinyl eraser as well as kneaded eraser. Have a good workable matte fixative as well as sketchbook or perhaps a drawing paper handy. Lastly, you need a grid ruler for the measurement.

The very first thing to do is to sketch a semi-circle with two lines underneath it for a neck. Have the two lines occupy two-thirds of the width at the widest area of the semi-circle which you drew.

Try to find the precise centre portion of the semi-circle up and down by making use of the grid ruler. Then make a light line coming from bottom to top to draw your nose. This will serve as the line in which the centre of the eyes will fall on.

Right after sketching your nose, make an additional semi-circle but this time around make it smaller than the previous one and it should be facing downward. And draw this coming from the bottom of the light line that you drew and it should end on the tip of the nose.

The next step is sketching the nostril. Draw a little circle on the left side of the bottom part of the nose. Then draw another tiny circle on the right side.

Now you have arrived at the shading part. You can use a tortillon or stump if you want to have a lighter tone for your drawing. To emphasize the nostril shade as smoothly as you can. Using a kneaded eraser you are able to adjust the tone into a lighter tone for the areas that requires to have a light tone. When you are done doing the shading part use a white vinyl eraser to eradicate the unwanted marks of your drawing. Make sure that the nostril is recognizable. And as much as possible do your shading by having an almost precise tone and shape of the subject.

In order to sketch the shape of the nose, draw a darker line on top of the first line that you drew. This is actually the part that you can make your nose look much more realistic by simply obtaining the exact shape of the nose of your subject.

In the event that there are any additional details that you need to add to your nose you can do so. Just make sure that you only draw the shapes and details that you see. In drawing the nostrils you only need to draw what you see and do not try to make anything more noticeable except if it is clearly visible coming from your point of reference.

To be able to come up with a realistic nose drawing you need to grasp the essence of the techniques on how to draw a nose. Give your nose character and make it as real as possible. Just follow the steps that were discussed and you’ll be able to learn how to draw a nose.